Barton students are given options to purchase books with the use of financial aid before the scheduled refund dates. Depending on the delivery method of the course, the options for book purchases vary. However, in order to purchase books using financial aid, students must be awarded financial aid and have all requested documents submitted before they can utilize the funds for the book purchase(s). Additionally, students must have given authorization for Barton to use their federal financial aid toward "non-allowable" charges such as books.
Students are only given the option to purchase text books with financial aid if the student has enough funds to cover their direct costs to the college (Tuition, fees, housing, etc.) and has a remaining credit on their account. Any book purchases that the student then makes may not exceed the amount of credit that they have on their account.
Students are notified of their options to purchase books via the award email, award letter and on the Barton Website.
On-Campus Book Purchases in Great Bend
Students attending classes on the Barton Campus in Great Bend may purchase books with financial aid prior to receiving the aid via refund by obtaining a Promissory Note from the Business Office. Promissory notes to purchase books on campus are available two weeks prior to the start of classes and one week after the course has begun.
Book Vouchers for Barton Online Students
Students who are attending courses online with Barton Online may purchase books with financial aid prior to receiving the aid via refund by using an electronic book voucher. Students who are enrolled with Barton Online and who have a credit on their account are automatically issued a book voucher via their Cougar email account. The book voucher can then be used with our online vendor to purchase textbooks and supplies.
Electronic book vouchers are issued to Barton Online students two weeks prior to the start date of their course and one week after the course has begun.
Opt-Out Process for Book Purchases
Students eligible for Federal Pell Grants and/or Federal Student Loans may opt-out of the book voucher/book promissory note process and receive a portion of their Federal Financial Aid to purchase books.
- To receive a portion of their Federal Pell Grant or Federal Student Loans to purchase books, the student must request to opt-out of the established book voucher/book promissory note process.
- Barton’s Financial Aid Office will inform students how to opt out and will provide an electronic form for students to use to make the request.
- The student must return the opt-out form by the first day of courses each semester.
- Students with book scholarships are exempt from the opt-out refund.
- Students in classes where books are provided are exempt from the opt-out refund. (i.e. LSEC, SSS participants, etc.)
- Students may not receive both an opt-out refund and a book voucher or book promissory note.
- The refund to be used for books and supplies will be made available the 7th day of the student’s payment period.
- The student must have participated in at least one Academically Related Activity* to receive an opt-out refund.
- The refund will be made from payment of the student’s Federal Pell Grant or Federal Student Loans and will be available to the student via the refund preference selected by the student in the Student Financial Center within their MyBarton portal.
- The refund will be made from any funds in excess of direct charges to the college. If the student’s Federal Pell Grant or Federal Student Loans do not completely cover the student’s direct charges, an opt-out refund will not be available.
- The enrollment period refund amount will be limited to 1) the book component of the student’s COA as determined by Barton’s FAO; and 2) calculated by the student’s current attending credit hours of enrollment:
Full-time (12+ credit hours) = $730
¾ time (9-11 hours) = $548
½ time (6-8 hours) = $365
<1/2 time (<6 hours) = $182
- The student’s opt-out refund will be reduced if the Federal Pell Grant and Federal Student Loans less the direct charges is less than the published book charges.
*Examples of Academically Related Activities—
- Attendance roster where instructor noted who was present in a face-to-face class on a daily basis.
- Attendance roster for a study group that was required by the course and which the student attended.
- Accepting an assignment from a student and noting the date of accepted submission if this occurred outside of the face-to-face classroom.
- Noting that a student took an examination if this is occurred outside of a scheduled class time where attendance was kept.
- Email thread between the instructor and student where content is discussing course material.
- For an online course, proof of the student submitting an assignment.
- Taking an examination online. Participating in an online interactive tutorial.
- Notation by the instructor of providing the student with computer-assisted instruction outside of a scheduled face-to-face course time.
- Participating in an online discussion about the course content