Academic Activities, Clubs and organizations are active on an academic year basis. To be considered an active club or organization, the sponsor must submit an updated constitution and current year roster. Check out Academic Activities and Clubs and Organizations below!
Academic Activities
Barton Dance Theatre (BDT) provides dance students with the knowledge, understanding, and experience of working within a contemporary dance company with a diverse and challenging repertory. Through performances and outreach, BDT exposes central and western Kansas communities to powerful expressive dance, as well as represents Barton Community College's Dance Program on regional and national levels. BDT members are eligible for performance award scholarships.
- Acceptance through audition
- Enroll in DANC 1001 Barton Dance Theatre for 2 credit hours
- A minimum of two years in any of the following technique classes: Modern Contemporary Dance, Ballet, or Jazz Dance
Contact: Danika Bielek | 620-792-9253 | F-05 | bielekd@bartonccc.edu
Barton Theatre is open to all students and community members with a desire to participate in acting, directing, playwriting, musical theatre, and technical theatre. This group consist of actors, stage managers, directors, technicians, makeup artists, costumers, properties designers, set designers, lighting designers, graphic artists, and dramaturges. Barton Theatre produces a minimum of four productions per academic year; dramas, comedies, musicals, student productions and showcases. Auditions are necessary and scholarships are available.
Contact: Dan Williams | 620-792-9205 | Fine Arts Building - F-139 | williamsd@bartonccc.edu
Concert Choir is open to all Barton students without audition. The choir performs all styles of music from classical to Broadway and presents two concerts each semester. The course fulfills one of the required General Education Activities Course requirements and is a repeatable course.
The choir rehearses three times a week, and receives one or two credits. Music scholarships are available. Please see the director for scholarship information.
Instructor: Eric Foley | 620-792-9395 | Fine Arts Building - F02 | foleye@bartonccc.edu
Concert Band is open to all Barton students. The band performs music from all styles and time periods with emphasis on the standard band repertoire. The group performs in concerts in the fall semester. The band meets once a week for one or two academic credits. Instrumental performance awards are available by audition.
Instructor: Jamie Minneman | 620-792-9396 |Fine Arts Building - F-08 | minnemanj@bartonccc.edu
Da Capo is a small men's vocal ensemble. This group is highly visible and will perform for many community events as well as College programs. This group meets three times a week for one credit. Auditions are necessary and scholarships are available.
Instructor: Eric Foley | 620-792-9395 | Fine Arts Building - F- 02 | foleye@bartonccc.edu
Dolce is a small women's vocal ensemble. This group is highly visible and will perform for many community events as well as College programs. This group meets three times a week for one credit. Auditions are necessary and scholarships are available.
Instructor: Eric Foley | 620-792-9395 | Fine Arts Building - F- 02 | foleye@bartonccc.edu
The Hilltop Singers is a selected group of 20 singers with instrumental backup of piano, trap set, and bass guitar. As a show choir they are a highly visible group in this area of the state and perform for many types of functions. An audition is necessary for membership in the show choir. Music scholarships are available by audition in the spring for the next academic year.
Instructor: Eric Foley | 620-792-9395 | Fine Arts Building - F- 02 | foleye@bartonccc.edu
Jazz Band is open to all students. Music is chosen from all jazz forms including swing, funk, rock, and Latin. Rehearsals are held twice weekly for one or two academic credits. Performance awards are available by audition.
Sponsor: Jamie Minneman | 620-792-9396 |Fine Arts Building - F-08 | minnemanj@bartonccc.edu
Orchestra is a College-Community organization composed of musicians interested in performing in an orchestra. Membership is by audition or special permission only. The orchestra meets on a schedule in conjunction with spring semester musicals and presents concert performances.
Sponsor: Jamie Minneman | 620-792-9396 |Fine Arts Building - F-08 | minnemanj@bartonccc.edu
Pep Band performs at home basketball games and other special events as requested by the instructor. This group is committed to promoting spirit and excitement for Barton. Enrollment in Pep Band is necessary for membership. Pep Band members receive a performance award.
Sponsor: Jamie Minneman | 620-792-9396 |Fine Arts Building - F-08 | minnemanj@bartonccc.edu
Clubs and Organizations
Barton Collegiate Farm Bureau
Barton Community College Collegiate Farm Bureau is a student organization with the goal of promoting agriculture though leadership and social activities. All Barton students are eligible for membership. Collegiate Farm Bureau is sponsored by the Barton Agriculture Business Management Department, the Barton County Farm Bureau, and Kansas Farm Bureau.
Sponsor: Vic Martin | T-Building T190, | 620-792-9207 | martinv@bartonccc.edu
Barton Community College Aspiring Educators (BCCAE)
Barton Community College Aspiring Educators (BCCAE) exists to promote the personal and professional growth of pre-service educators and those interested in education. BCCAE is a chapter of the Kansas National Education Association-Aspiring Educators (KNEA-AE) and one of 28 local chapters on Kansas college and university campuses.
Membership to BCCAE is open to any Barton Community College student preparing for a career or interested in education, and who concurrently holds membership in KNEA-AE.
Chapter activities include service projects, social affairs, professional development, and opportunities for participation in statewide leadership roles.
Sponsor: KellyAnn Bonnell | T-Building T-191 | 620-786-1130 | bonnellk@bartonccc.edu
Barton STEM Club Barton STEM Club is open to all students interested in science, mathematics, technology and/or engineering. Activities include helping with Jack Kilby Science Day, Mini STEM Days, plus planning other fun events related to science and technology. Come get Involved! Email STEM@bartonccc.edu for more information.
Sponsor: Dr. Amanda Alliband | S-Building S-132 | 620-792-9330 | allibanda@bartonccc.edu
Barton Student Chapter of American Choral Directors Association (ACDA)
ACDA Student Chapters have been established for colleges and universities by the American Choral Directors Association to provide opportunities for future choral directors to be directly involved with their professional organization while in college. Membership is open to any student actively participating in the music department as a music major and/or a member of the performing groups within the music department. Chapter activities will include activities and sessions that engage the training and experience of student choral musicians such as workshops, masterclasses, reading sessions, and attendance at state, regional and national conferences.
Sponsor: Eric Foley | F-Building-F-02, | 620-792-9395 | foleye@bartonccc.edu
Barton Tabletop Gaming Club (BTGC) is a student club with the goal of promoting social interaction, problem solving, and leadership skills through outlets provided by table top, roleplaying, and board games of all kinds.. All Barton students are eligible for membership regardless of location. Members promote the importance of creativity and teamwork as they attend regularly planned or arranged D&D sessions, gaming events, and creative writing workshops.
Sponsor: Sam Kline-Martin | LRC, L-115 | 620-792-9249 | klinemartins@bartonccc.edu
Sponsor: Darren Ivey | LRC, L-108 | 620-792-9362 | iveyd@bartonccc.edu
Sponsor: Shelby Cunningham | LRC, L-127 | 620-792-9329 | cunninghams@bartonccc.edu
Christian Challenge
Christian Challenge is open to all students. The purpose of the group is to introduce people to Jesus, help students grow in their walk with God and serve others. Activities include Bible studies (one-on-one or small groups) and regular, off-campus meals together. We are also connected to other college ministries in the state and go to conferences during the year. Come join us!.
Sponsor: Brian Howe | F-Building - F-129A | 620-792-9254 | howeb@bartonccc.edu
Sponsor: Abby Howe | C-Building - C-106 | 620-792-9300| howea@bartonccc.edu
Official website of the student ministry https://www.instagram.com/bartonchallenge
Cheerleaders, Yell Leaders and Mascots
This is a highly select group of students who perform at all basketball games, both at home and away, and assist with other athletic events. Cheerleaders and Yell Leaders are selected on the basis of athletic and gymnastic ability, leadership, personal appearance, personality and scholastics.
Sponsor: Amanda Schnoebelen | PE Building - P-113 | 620-786-1139 | schnoebelena@bartonccc.edu
Dante Deo
Dante Deo — Latin for “By the Gift of God” is a new Catholic college ministry that focuses on spiritual development, serving others, and creating opportunities for fellowship among Barton students. Each week, the group host a guest speaker or participates in a social event, such as gathering for Half Price Apps, watching movies, participating in local service projects, or hanging out a barbeque. Guest speakers converse with the group about relevant topics such as faith, relationships, service, using your talents, humility, and vocations. The purpose of Dante Deo is to increase opportunities for fellowship, grow, and strengthen students' interest in both Catholic and Christian beliefs, develop student leaders with high integrity, values and morals, and to increase students' volunteer activity in our local community. Students do not have to be Catholic to attend Dante Deo. We meet in the Housing Commons TV room every Tuesday night at 8:00 p.m. For more information and to keep up-to-date with our group activities, please search our Facebook group "Dante Deo" and click "Join Group". All are welcome to join us on Tuesday evenings as we discuss topics that matter and make friends not just for college, but for life.
Sponsor: Jill Lane | dre@gbprinceofpeace.org
Sponsor: Linn Hogg | 1025 Main, Great Bend | 620-792-1614 | hoggl@bartonccc.edu
Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)
FBLA is a national organization that works closely with business and charities. Each year, members can travel to state, regional, and national conferences to compete in various areas of business. The organization consists of programs to enhance leadership skills, expand business knowledge, contribute to the local community, support charities, and earn recognition.
Sponsor: Jennifer Steinert | T-Building T-100 | 620-792-9203 | steinertj@bartonccc.edu
Sponsor: Deanna Heier | T-Building T-127 | 620-786-1118 | heierd@bartonccc.edu
HOSA-Future Health Professionals
HOSA-Future Health Professionals is a national student-led organization run by and for students interested in pursuing careers in the health professions. Founded in 1976, HOSA now has over 4000 secondary and postsecondary/collegiate chapters in 48 state associations, and over 185,000 members. HOSA is officially recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. HOSA is 100% health; therefore, HOSA include leadership opportunities at the local, state, and national levels, volunteer and community service opportunities, scholarships nationwide, state and national leadership conferences that include educational symposiums, fifty-four different competitive and recognition events, networking opportunities with HOSA's nearly 100 profit and non-profits business and health industry partners.
Sponsor: Karen Gunther | S-Building - S129 | 620-786-1133 | guntherka@bartonccc.edu
Hispanic American Leadership Organization (HALO)
Hispanic American Leadership Organization (HALO) is open to all Barton students. HALO promotes the Hispanic culture on campus and in the community. Provides an inviting environment to develop leadership skills, social skills, community service, and fostering of academic and career achievement.
Sponsor: Baudilio Hernandez | Student Union U-124 | 620-792-9327 | hernandezb@bartonccc.edu
History Club
History Club aims to provide an opportunity to allow students to gain a wider range of historical knowledge through book reviews, topic discussions, and the hosting of guest speakers. It also allows students to meet with others with a similar interest in history.
Sponsor: Jason Lindstrom | F-Building F-132 | 620-792-9251 | lindstromj@bartonccc.edu
International Exchange Club
The International Exchange Club at Barton Community College is open to all students who are passionate about engaging in activities designed to support the sharing of experiences, perspectives and worldviews, in order to promote personal development in a global world. The club fosters a welcoming environment where students from all backgrounds can connect, appreciate, and share one another's traditions. Through collaboration with campus organizations and departments, the club promotes understanding of what makes everyone unique and at the same time, a valuable piece of the Barton Family. Additionally, it encourages leadership, social support and development, and a strong sense of community.
Sponsor: Mahsa Roointan | Student Union U-105 | 620-792-8285 | roointanm@bartonccc.edu
Sponsor: Baudilio Hernandez | Student Union U-124 | 620-792-9327 | hernandezb@bartonccc.edu
National Association for Music Education (NAfME)
NAfME Collegiate is the college organization under the parent group MENC (Music Educators National Conference).
Membership is open to any student actively participating in the music department as music major and/or a member of the performing groups within the music department.
The purpose of NAfME Collegiate membership is to afford students an opportunity for professional orientation and development while still in school, and to enable students to gain understanding of:
- The basic truths and principles that underlie the role of music in human life.
- The philosophy and function of the music education profession.
- The professional interests of members involved in the local, state, division, and national levels.
- The music industry's role in support of music education.
- The knowledge and practices of the professional music educator as facilitated through chapter activity.
Sponsor: Jamie Minneman | 620-792-9396 |Fine Arts Building - F-08 | minnemanj@bartonccc.edu
Nursing Club
Nursing Club, an affiliate of the Kansas Association of Nursing Students (KANS) and the National Student Nursing Association (NSNA), was established as a means of promoting interest in the nursing field. Goals of the Barton Nursing Club include: developing qualities and skills that will enhance member leadership abilities and to provide opportunity to demonstrate leadership and compassion through service to others in the Barton Community College service area.
Sponsor: Jill Lawson, MSN, APRN-FNP | T-Building - T-90 | 620-792-9350 | lawsonj@bartonccc.edu
Phi Theta Kappa
With more than two million members and 1,250 chapters located in all 50 of the United States and eight international countries, Phi Theta Kappa is recognized as the official honor society for community colleges by the American Association of Community Colleges. To be considered for membership in Phi Theta Kappa, one must have previously attended Barton Community College one semester and be currently enrolled in 12 or more hours at the College. The applicant must have a minimum grade point average of 3.5 and be nominated by Barton County Campus faculty to earn membership. At BARTonline, Fort Riley, Fort Leavenworth and Grandview Plaza, students must get an instructor to serve as a reference. The purpose of Phi Theta Kappa is to recognize and encourage scholarship among students. It also provides opportunities for the development of leadership, service, the intellectual exchange of roles, and continued academic excellence.
Phi Psi - Barton County Campus:
Sponsor: Nolan Esfeld | LRC L-136 | 620-786-7486 | esfeldn@bartonccc.edu
Sponsor: Kelley Scott | LRC L-136 | 620-786-1173 | scottk@bartonccc.edu
Sponsor: Angie Maddy | LRC L-137 | 620-792-9226 | maddya@bartonccc.edu
Beta Nu Rho - BARTonline, Fort Riley, and Grandview Plaza:
Sponsor: Janet Balk | 785-784-6606 Ext. 762 | balkj@bartonccc.edu
Beta Phi Eta - Fort Leavenworth:
Sponsor: Erika Jenkins-Moss | 855-509-3374 Ext. 772 | mosse@bartonccc.edu
Sociology in Film Club
The Sociology in Film Club exists to serve students who are interested in examining popular films through a sociological lens. Members will watch select films together and then discuss the social issues raised in the films. Members will have opportunities to think critically and analytically while fostering leadership and social skills within the Sociology in Film Club.
Sponsor: Kurt Konda | Fine Arts Building - F131 | 620-792-9389 | kondak@bartonccc.edu
Student Ambassadors
The Student Ambassadors serve as representatives of the college by conducting campus tours and participating in recruitment activities. Ambassadors are selected from both the freshman and sophomore classes through an application and interview process.
Sponsor: Tana Cooper | Kirkman Building - P107A | 620-792-9241 | coopert@bartonccc.edu
Student Wellness Action Team (SWAT)
SWAT is a student led club designed to promote a culture of mental, physical and social wellness throughout the Barton Community College student body. Team members will volunteer and encourage students to engage in activities that can enhance their overall wellness, and thus, help make the college experience safe, healthy, and enjoyable. Club members will meet to discuss various strategies on enhancing wellness in mind, body and spirit.
Sponsor: Eric Smith | Fine Arts Building - F138 | 620-792-9284 | smithe@bartonccc.edu
Sponsor: Jakki Maser | L-Building - L139 | 620-792-9295 | maserj@bartonccc.edu
Sponsor: Jenni Bauer | U-Building - U-206 | 620-792-9233 | bauerj@bartonccc.edu