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What is OER?
Open Educational Resources are teaching, learning, and research resources that reside in the creative commons and/or public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their use and repurposing by others. OER may include full courses, course materials, modules, textbooks, streaming videos, tests…used to support access to knowledge. "OER Defined" by Larry Kramer, William & Flora Hewlett Foundation
How does this work?
No-Cost – No additional cost for course materials
Low-Cost - $50 or less for course materials
Open Textbook - Course uses an open textbook, but course materials are above the Low-Cost threshold
To enroll in a Barton Online OER course visit the How to Enroll in Online Courses page.
Check out the Barton Online OER list for full offerings.
Schedules vary for the courses listed below.
ACCT 1602 General Accounting Jones, Andrea
ACCT 1618 Managerial Accounting Jones, Andrea
BSTC 1036 Computer Concepts and Applications Heier, Deanna
BUSI 1609 Business Statistics Harrington, Joseph
BUSI 1610 Business Statistics Lab Harrington, Joseph
CHLD 1505 Childhood Growth and Development Bonnell, KellyAnn
HIST 1400 American History 1877 to Present Boltman, Dennis
HIST 1402 American History to 1877 Boltman, Dennis
HIST 1408 Western Civilization to 1500 Lindstrom, Jason
HIST 1452 History of World Civ 1500-Present Boltman, Dennis
LIFE 1402 Principles of Biology Cates, Charlotte
LIFE 1407 Anatomy and Physiology I Ravitskiy, Oleg
LIFE 1408 Anatomy and Physiology II Ravitskiy, Oleg
LIFE 1412 Principles of Microbiology Ravitskiy, Oleg
LITR 1215 World Literature Bailey, Paulia
MATH 1826 College Algebra Harrington, Joseph
MATH 1828 College Algebra Harrington, Joseph
MATH 1830 Trigonometry Howe, Brian
MATH 1831 Business Calculus Harrington, Joseph
MATH 1834 Analytic Geometry-Calculus II Harrington, Joseph
MUSI 1002 Introduction to Music Gonzalez, Aleia
POLS 1800 Government of the United States Boltman, Dennis
POLS 1801 Introduction to Political Science Boltman, Dennis
POLS 1801 Introduction to Political Science Ladish, Nicholas
PSYC 1000 General Psychology Smith, Eric
PSYC 1006 Abnormal Psychology Smith, Eric
PSYC 1014 Developmental Psychology Smith, Eric
SOCI 1110 Juvenile Deliquency/Justice Konda, Kurt
STAT 1827 Elements of Statistics Lab Harrington, Joseph
STAT 1829 Elements of Statistics Harrington, Joseph
CHEM 1802 Fundamentals of General Chemistry Alliband, Amanda
CHEM 1806 College Chemistry I Alliband, Amanda
CHEM 1808 College Chemistry II Alliband, Amanda
LIFE 1408 Anatomy and Physiology Ravitskiy, Oleg
LIFE 1410 Principle of Zoology Ravitskiy, Oleg
LIFE 1412 Principle of Microbiology Ravitskiy, Oleg
SOCI 1100 Introduction to Sociology Konda, Kurt
SOCI 1102 Marriage and Family Konda, Kurt
SOCI 1104 Contemporary Social Problems Konda, Kurt
SOCI 1114 Human Sexuality Konda, Kurt
SOCI 1129 Cross Cultural Awareness Konda, Kurt
Schedules vary for courses listed below.
HZMT 1907 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Hill, James
Schedules vary for courses listed below.
ANTH 1816 Cultural Anthropology Ingala, Ann
ARTS 1200 Art Appreciation Morriss, Tera
COMM 1230 Public Speaking Parker, Jimi
ENGL 1120 English - Speak Other Languages Yu, Qiong
ENGL 1121 English for Speakers of Other Languages II Yu, Qiong
ENGL 1122 English for Speakers of Other Languages III Yu, Qiong
ENGL 1195 Integrated Reading and Writing Hanson, Barbara
ENGL 1204 English Composition I Hanson, Barbara
ENGL 1206 English Composition II Hanson, Barbara
HIST 1400 American History Bouma, Angela
HIST 1402 American History 1877 - Present Bouma, Angela
HIST 1410 Western Civilization 1500 - Present Bouma, Angela
HIST 1425 Women and the American Experience Bouma, Angela
HLTH 1248 Personal and Community Health Irwin, Lou
LANG 1908 Elementary Spanish I Oviedo, Blanca
LEAD 1002 CLDP Leadership and Management Seminar I Simmons, Susan
LEAD 1003 CLDP Leadership and Management Seminar II Simmons, Susan
LEAD 1004 CLDP Leadership and Management Seminar III Simmons, Susan
LIFE 1407 Anatomy and Physiology I Ravitskiy, Oleg
LIFE 1409 Anatomy and Physiology II Ravitskiy, Oleg
LIFE 1412 Principles of Microbiology Ravitskiy, Oleg
MATH 1809 Basic Applied Math Bebout, Amber
MATH 1809 Basic Applied Math Kolembe, Kenneth
MATH 1809 Basic Applied Math Turner, Jim
MATH 1821 Basic Algebra Kolembe, Kenneth
MATH 1821 Basic Algebra Bebout, Amber
MATH 1824 Intermediate Algebra Kolembe, Kenneth
MATH 1828 College Algebra Kolembe, Kenneth
MATH 1830 Trigonometry Kolembe, Kenneth
MDAS 1672 Medical Terminology Irwin, Lou
PHIL 1602 Introduction to Philosophy Potter, John
PSYC 1000 General Psychology Campbell, Angela
PSYC 1006 Abnormal Psychology Campbell, Angela
PSCY 1012 Introduction to Counseling Campbell, Angela
PSYC 1014 Developmental Psychology Campbell, Angela
PSYC 1016 Social Psychology Campbell, Angela
PSYC 1027 Coping with Stress Campbell, Angela
PSYC 1033 Psychology of Serial Killers Balk, Janet
PSYC 1130 Death and Dying Campbell, Angela
RELI 1311 World Religions Potter, John
RELI 1311 World Religions Harders, Daniel
SOCI 1102 Marriage and Family Campbell, Angela
STAT 1829 Element of Statistics Kolembe, Kenneth
Schedules vary for courses listed below.
ARTS 1214 Drawing I Tollefsen, Olaf
BUSI 1600 Introduction to Business Fullen, Jessica
BUSI 1607 Business Ethics Fullen, Jessica
BUSI 1803 Principles of Management Fullen, Jessica
CHEM 1806 College Chemistry I Bradford, Stephanie
CHEM 1814 Organic Chemistry Bradford, Stephanie
COMM 1230 Public Speaking Fullen, Jessica
CORR 1001 Introduction to Correction Peoples-Howard, Ericka
CRIM 1612 Criminal Investigation Peoples-Howard, Ericka
ECON 1610 Principles of Macroeconomics Henderson, Shaun
ECON 1615 Personal Finanace Henderson, Shaun
LEAD 1000 Introduction to Leadership Fullen, Jessica
LIFE 1407 Anatomy and Physiology I Ravitskiy, Oleg
LIFE 1408 Anatomy and Physiology II Ravitskiy, Oleg
LIFE 1412 Principles of Microbiology Ravitskiy, Oleg
MUSI 1002 Introduction to Music Hooser, Colvin
MUSI 1015 Foundations of Music Hooser, Colvin
MUSI 1095 History of Rock and Roll Hooser, Colvin
PSYC 1000 General Psychology Ingala, Ann
PSCY 1006 Abnormal Psychology Ingala, Ann
PSYC 1012 Introduction to Counseling Ingala, Ann
PSYC 1014 Developmental Psychology Ingala, Ann
PSYC 1016 Social Psychology Ingala, Ann
PSYC 1027 Coping with Stress Ingala, Ann
PSYC 1033 Psychology of Serial Killers and Violent Criminals Ingala, Ann
PSYC 1130 Death and Dying Ingala, Ann
SOCI 1100 Introduction to Sociology Ingala, Ann
SOCI 1102 Marriage and Family Ingala, Ann
SOCI 1110 Juvenile Delinquency and Justice Ingala, Ann