Barton Community College ensures the privacy of your student records in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
As of July 1, 2024, the Department of Education established new regulations regarding the release of official transcripts when a student has a financial hold at the college. The new regulations require colleges to release transcripts for all enrollment periods that the student received federal financial aid. An institution may only withhold the portion of a student’s transcript for enrollment periods with an unpaid balance or during which no federal aid was received, rather than the entire transcript. This regulation does not apply to students that did not receive federal financial aid.
Institutions are permitted to provide students with partial official transcripts that do not include credits for payment period (also known as a “partial-transcript hold”) in which a student did not receive Title IV, HEA funds or where institutional charges are not paid.
It is Barton Community College’s mission to assist learners manage payment period financial obligations by providing robust financial aid assistance, payment plan opportunities, transparency, and frequent communications. These, and a desire to assist with payment plans for past due balances, are at the root of the college’s response to Financial Responsibility.
A review of a student’s account when financial holds exist will take place within the Business Office and the Financial Aid Office. Students will be notified by the Enrollment Services Office if a complete or partial transcript will be released when transcript requests are submitted.
Please read before requesting a transcript:
Transcripts can be ordered via the Web 24/7 through the National Student Clearinghouse. (Please read about the recently identified NSC security breach.) You can place as many orders as you like in one session using any major credit card. Your card will only be charged after your order has been completed. Order updates are available via mobile text message and will also be emailed to you. You can also track your order online using your email address and order number. Your signed consent may be required to fulfill your transcript order. For your convenience, a consent form will be generated for your order that you can approve instantly online or return via fax, mail, or as a scanned email attachment.
Final grades are official once they are posted in your PAWS account. If your grades are posted in your Canvas shell, please check your PAWS account FIRST before requesting a "Current Transcript" to send. Otherwise use the "After Grades are Posted" option.
Transcript requests with missing address information will be sent as is and Barton is not responsible for undelivered transcripts. The US Post Office will deliver the transcript to the location on the request typically within 7-10 business days. Barton will issue another paper transcript if the transcript has not been received at the requested location within 30 days.
Make sure you have a Social Security Number (SSN) on file with Barton. If you do not already have a SSN on file a hold will be placed on your account preventing you from obtaining a transcript. Email the Enrollment Services Office at enrollmentservices@bartonccc.edu for your options in providing a social security number to Barton.
Students that have a hold on their transcript for an invalid social security number are required to submit the following documents for verification:
- Valid and current Driver's License
- Social Security Card
Both documents will need to show the same first name and last name of the student to update the records at Barton. Transcripts will not process without the submission of the valid documents.
Students can submit the documents:
- In person
- Email to enrollmentservices@bartonccc.edu
- Fax to 620-786-1175
Unofficial transcripts are available online through your MyBarton Portal for those students that have no outstanding financial obligations on their accounts. Enrollment Services may provide an unofficial transcript to students that are currently enrolled in Barton classes. If a student is no longer enrolled in Barton classes, and a financial obligation exists, unofficial transcripts will not be provided to the student. Advisors and coaches may access unofficial transcripts for purposes of advising, but will not provide the unofficial transcripts to students or third parties outside the institution.
Access to the Barton Portal is no longer available to students after two years after their last enrollment period. If you no longer have access to the Barton Portal, Contact the Enrollment Services Office at enrollmentservices@bartonccc.edu.
Send transcripts to the following address:
Barton County Campus
Attn: Enrollment Services
245 NE 30 Rd.
Great Bend, KS 67530
Contact the Enrollment Services Office at enrollmentservices@bartonccc.edu for questions.
Official high school and college transcripts must be mailed directly from the granting institution or sent by an electronic transcript service to Barton Community College or, hand delivered in a sealed envelope. The hand delivered transcript must be placed in the school letterhead envelope with the Registrar’s signature or school stamp imprinted on the sealed back flap. Opening the envelope will render that transcript invalid. (No exceptions)
Barton will accept both emailed or faxed official high school transcripts directly from the high school. The receipt of official foreign high school transcripts from foreign high schools may be considered upon review.
Students who wish to apply prior college coursework toward a degree at Barton Community College should submit an official transcript to the Office of Enrollment Services. In addition, certain students (selective admission applicants, athletes, international students, and select Financial Aid recipients) may be required to provide all official transcripts to the Enrollment Services Office. Those departments will notify you if transcripts are required. Transfer credit entered on any student's Barton academic history cannot be removed.
Students seeking a degree from Barton should meet with their academic advisor prior to sending any post-secondary transcripts to Barton.
Foreign transcripts must be translated to English. For any questions regarding the receipt of foreign transcripts contact the Barton Registrar.