Housing Brochure | Housing Handbook | Housing Complex and Floor Plans
Barton considers Residence Life an important part of your total education. Comfortable, wholesome living conditions have a marked influence on your scholarship, habits, attitudes and ideals. Your social life, loyalty to the College, attitude toward others, and your sense of belonging evolve from the community you'll join in Residence Life.
Residence Life is a melting pot of students with diverse backgrounds coming together to form a community as they advance their education. You'll be a part of the largest student interest group on campus! Barton Community College provides campus based housing that will accommodate a total of 440 residents with ADA compliant rooms available.
The Residence Life, Campus Life, and Student Services departments are dedicated to providing safe and comfortable living environments for all students. Any student with questions or concerns about their opportunity for a successful campus housing experience is encouraged to contact the Residence Life Coordinator at 620.792.9281 or via email at Housing@bartonccc.edu. Due to limitations in available housing options, there is no guarantee that all of a student’s preferences can be met, but we are highly committed to working with all students to find the best accommodations possible. Housing assignments for all students are guided by the following values:
· Respect for the student
· Prioritized attention to all students’ physical safety and emotional well-being
· Enhancing the student’s opportunity for success at Barton by finding the best match between the student’s needs and options available
Contact Residence Life by calling the Residence Life Coordinator at 620.792.9281 or emailing Housing@bartonccc.edu.
Resident Hall Requirements
Barton Community College requires that all full time students attending the Barton County campus at Great Bend, Kansas (those enrolled in 12 face to face semester hours or more) with a total of less than 24 successfully completed college hours, reside in student housing. Additionally, students must maintain full time student status (12 semester hours) to remain in student housing. Students are exempted from the policy if they meet one or more of the following criteria:
- Student is married
- Student is 21 years of age or older
- Student has a child or children who reside with him or her
- Student is a resident of Barton County or a border county and is residing with parents, legal guardian, or immediate family member of legal age.
Residence Life contracts remain in effect for the entire academic year. Contracts are processed on a first come, first served basis. Students may choose to opt out of the contract for the spring semester, provided they meet at least one of the criteria listed above. If a student decides to opt out, written notification must be provide to the Residence Life Office by the last day of fall final exams.
Summer Housing is available for students enrolled in 3 or more credit hours.
Continue reading below for information on how to Apply for Student Housing, Resident Life Resources and Housing Costs.
Apply for Student Housing
Rooms are reserved on a first come, first serve basis. Students must complete the Residence Life Application and submit the $120 non-refundable application fee. Application will be processed upon receipt of the fee. If space is available, the fee will reserve your room until the first move in day of each semester.
Student Housing Application: To complete the application you will need a Student ID to log in to your Portal account. Once logged into the portal, select "Housing Application and Residence Life Management" on the "Housing & Residence Life" card. (You may need to select "Discover More" if you don't see it on the initial cards) Then under "Recommended Actions" select "apply for housing". For detailed instructions, check out our Housing Application Guide!
Barton Residence Halls and Floor Plans
- Bison Halls - Units 1, 2, 5-8
- Cottonwood Hall - Hotel Style
- Meadowlark - Units 15-20
- Bluestem Hall - Hotel Style
- Sunflower Halls - Units 21-34
To be eligible to reside on campus, all students are required by the Kansas Board of Regents to provide documented proof of meningitis vaccine or sign a waiver declining to receive the vaccination at the present time. Information about meningitis disease and the forms required for vaccine documentation or declination are located within the online housing application. Boosters are recommended if vaccinated prior to the age of 16. You may also access information pertaining to meningitis disease.
Residence Life Resources
Check out the Housing Handbook to find information on campus living! The handbook includes topics ranging from the campus phone directory, facilities, policies, and more.
Housing Contract:
Review the Fall 2024 / Spring 2025 Housing Contract
Review the Fall 2025 / Spring 2026 Housing Contract
ID Cards: Housing ID Cards are primarily digital, though physical IDs are available upon request. Access to Digital ID cards for Housing Students will be sent via Barton Cougar Email, starting on July 28th. Please be on the lookout for an email regarding the Digital ID Card App, and follow the instructions within. Non-Housing Students, please contact the Business Office for information regarding Student IDs.
Maps: Don't get lost! Look at the Housing Map and Commons Location to make sure you know where you're going! Plus know where you can park - Campus Housing Parking Information
Wireless Network: The Instructions for Residential Halls Wireless Network will help you access the campus housing wireless internet.
Directory: Use the Campus Phone Directory for quick access to courtesy phones located around campus. Emergency phones are also located in several locations and can be used by pushing the button which will automatically dial Campus Safety.
Computer Tips: Keeping Your Computer Safe is easy with these quick tips! It is up to the student to keep your computer safe from viruses while on campus.
Housing Costs
Summer 2025 Housing Rates
Twin Suite/Double Occupancy (No Meals Payment Plan) - $443 per session/$887 for both sessions
$120 Non-Refundable Housing Application Fee due upon submission of the Housing Application. Housing Application Fees are due once an academic year, starting in the Summer Sessions. If you intend to apply for Housing in both Summer and the following Fall semester, please contact Housing@bartonccc.edu.
Fall 2025 - Spring 2026 Housing Rates
$120 Non-Refundable Housing Application Fee due upon submission of the Housing Application.
- Fall 2025 applications open on February 14, 2025. Applications will be processed based on space available.
- Spring 2026 applications for new incoming spring students will open on November 3rd, 2025. Applications will be processed based on space available.
Living center costs and payment plan includes room and board (cost subject to change without notice). Costs below based on 19-Meal Plan and Double Occupancy
Bluestem, Cottonwood, and Sunflower: Twin Suite (Double occupancy-shared bath) - $3,591 per semester/$7,182 per year
Bison and Meadowlark: (Double Occupancy) - $3,257 per semester/$6,515 per year
Payment Information:
December 14th - Fall payment due
May 14th - Spring payment due
Payment plans are available by logging into the MyBarton Portal and clicking on Student Financial Center to help students budget charges for the semester.
Housing Opens for Move-In:
August 15th & 16th - Times TBD (Speed up your check-in by following the instructions to sign up for Cougar Text Messaging). During move-in students will need to show a picture ID (drivers' license, passport, military ID, or state issued identification card) before a housing ID is issued.
Housing Residents Meeting: Strongly Recommended
4:00 p.m. Aug 18th in the Auditorium
19-Meal Plan Information
All housing contracts include a 19-meal weekly plan running Sunday through Saturday. Three meals are served Monday through Friday and two meals (brunch and dinner) are served on Saturday and Sunday.
Daily Visitation: Daily visitation hours are from 6 a.m. - Midnight.
Overnight Visitation:
- Overnight visitation is defined as visitation any time between the hours of midnight and 6 a.m.
- Overnight visitation is allowed Friday and Saturday nights only.
- No overnight visitation is allowed Sunday-Thursday nights. No exceptions. A $100 fine per occurrence will apply to both the host and the visitor. If a visitor appears to have taken up residence, an additional fine will apply. The fine will also apply to giving refuge to a student(s) removed from housing for disciplinary reasons.
- No overnight visitation is allowed during finals weeks.
- Residents hosting a non-resident overnight visitor must notify the Coordinator of Residence Life by email 48 hours in advance (Housing@bartonccc.edu). If a non-student visitor is found in violation, they may be banned from housing and the hosting resident will be fined.
- Overnight visitors must be 18 years of age.
All visitors should be escorted at all times. All visitors should be able to produce identification at all times. It is each resident's responsibility to inform their visitor of college and residence hall policies and procedures. Residents are responsible for the conduct of their visitor and are held accountable through the student code of conduct and housing rules and procedures. Misconduct for rule violations will be resolved through the disciplinary procedure. Further, residents are responsible for all activities that occur in their room.
When the activities of a resident and/or visitor cause an undue disturbance to the roommate(s) or to the residence hall community, other resident's rights to privacy, to sleep, and to study in the room will take precedence.