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Definitions for General Education Courses
General Education Course - any course approved to fulfill credit towards state and college requirements for general education and graduation with any of the following degrees: Associate in Arts (A.A.), Associate in Science (A.S.), Associate in General Studies (A.G.S.), or Associate in Applied Science (A.A.S). General education courses typically are non-developmental and non-professional in orientation, and are offered as electives or required courses from within broader subject areas.
The essential objective of general education is to educate the individual student to be a rational and humane person. General education courses are subdivided into two “zones”, Foundation Courses and Introductory Courses, and eight “sectors”: Written and Oral Communication, Mathematical Reasoning, Technological Skills, Global Issues and Diversity, Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences, Mathematics and Pure Science, and Personal Well-Being. The minimum distribution of credits and general education courses vary by degree.
Types of general education courses are further defined as:
- Foundation Courses – a degree-specific general education course that fulfills course or credit requirements in written and oral communications, mathematical reasoning, technological skills and global issues and diversity.
- Introductory Courses – a degree-specific general education courses that fulfills course or credit requirements in arts and humanities, social sciences, mathematics and pure science, and personal well-being.
- Studio Course – Any course in the Fine Arts (Humanities) that instructs students on the techniques used in artistic expression and significantly involves students (individually or as a group) in the production of tangible, physical artistic products.
- Performance Course – Any course in the Fine Arts (Humanities) that instructs students on the techniques used in artistic expression and significantly involves students (individually or as a group) in ephemeral activities that relate to public entertainment and/or personal enrichment.
Check out the sections below to review course requirements by degree.
The Associate in Applied Science Degree prepares you for entry into a career. The coursework is relevant to the real world, promoting employability traits that range from job-related technical skills to workplace ethics and soft skills. The program of study consists primarily of career technical education classes, but may also include transfer classes.
The Associate in Applied Science Degree will be awarded upon the attainment of predetermined and specified performance requirements and satisfactory completion of a planned program of a minimum 64 college credit hours with a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or overall “C.” To be eligible for graduation, the student must have completed at least fifteen (15) credit hours from Barton Community College. Students who remain continuously enrolled from time of entry to application for graduation will be held to the catalog requirements in effect when they declare their program of study, unless a later catalog is adopted. “Continuous enrollment” refers to annual Fall and Spring semester enrollment (or equivalent) in a minimum of at least one credit bearing course per semester. Should a student’s enrollment be interrupted, they will be held to the guidelines and requirements of the catalog of record at the time of program re-entry.
This guideline does not apply to students with documented leave of absence justification or members of the military involved in deployment operations. Changes to prerequisites and/or curriculum which occur for purposes beyond graduation – e.g. regulatory and legislative updates, third party accreditation or other certification bodies requirements, increased skill demand from industry, employment or transfer requirement changes, or recommended and/or mandated changes from the Kansas Board of Regents or other such entities are not subject to these catalog requirements.
Prior coursework may be evaluated to determine currency of content before including the credit hours toward a certificate or degree. Developmental courses cannot be used to fulfill degree requirements.
A minimum distribution of credits and general education course requirements shall be: Minimum of 15 credit hours must be taken in General Education (Zones 1 and 2) in a minimum of three sectors, unless specific general education courses are required by the student's program of study.
Sector A: Written and Oral Communication
Sector B: Mathematical Reasoning
Sector C: Technological Skills
Sector D: Global Issues and Diversity
Sector A: Arts and Humanities
Sector B: Social Sciences
Sector C: Mathematics and Pure Science
Sector D: Personal Well-Being
In addition to the general education requirements, you must complete the remaining course hour requirements as designated in your particular area of study.
The Associate in Arts Degree prepares you for transfer to universities with advanced standing. The courses are comparable to lower division level courses at Kansas Regents colleges and universities.
The Associate in Arts Degree will be awarded upon completion of the planned program of not less than 60 college credit hours with a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or overall “C.” To be eligible for graduation, the student must have completed at least fifteen (15) credit hours from Barton Community College. Students who remain continuously enrolled from time of entry to application for graduation will be held to the catalog requirements in effect when they declare their program of study, unless a later catalog is adopted. “Continuous enrollment” refers to annual fall and spring semester enrollment (or equivalent) in a minimum of at least one credit bearing course per semester. Should a student’s enrollment be interrupted, they will be held to the guidelines and requirements of the catalog of record at the time of program re-entry.
This guideline does not apply to students with documented leave of absence justification or members of the military involved in deployment operations. Changes to prerequisites and/or curriculum which occur for purposes beyond graduation – e.g. regulatory and legislative updates, third party accreditation or other certification bodies requirements, increased skill demand from industry, employment or transfer requirement changes, or recommended and/or mandated changes from the Kansas Board of Regents or other such entities are not subject to these catalog requirements.
Prior coursework may be evaluated to determine currency of content before including the credit hours toward a certificate or degree. Developmental courses cannot be used to fulfill degree requirements.
A minimum distribution of credits and general education course requirements shall be:
Distribution Requirements: 18 credit hours total
Sector A: Written and Oral Communication
ENGL 1204 English Composition I or
ENGL 1209 English Composition I w/Review
ENGL 1206 English Composition II
COMM 1230 Public Speaking or COMM 1200 Interpersonal Communications
Sector B: Mathematical Reasoning
Sector C: Technological Skills
Sector D: Global Issues and Diversity
Distribution Requirements: minimum of 18 and maximum of 24 credit hours total with a minimum of six classes and at least one course in each sector
Sector A: Arts and Humanities
Sector B: Social Sciences
Sector C: Mathematics and Pure Science*
Sector D: Personal Well-Being**
* One lab science is required
** Restricted to two credits in PHED or HLTH
You can search for courses approved to fulfill general education requirements for the Associate of Arts degree at Barton Community College.
The Associate in General Studies Degree provides you the opportunity to develop knowledge, skills, attitudes and greater philosophical appreciation for lifelong learning.
The Associate in General Studies Degree will be awarded upon completion of the planned program of not less than 60 college credit hours with a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or overall "C." To be eligible for graduation, the student must have completed at least fifteen (15) credit hours from Barton County Community College. Students who remain continuously enrolled from time of entry to application for graduation will be held to the catalog requirements in effect when they declare their program of study, unless a later catalog is adopted. “Continuous enrollment” refers to annual Fall and Spring semester enrollment (or equivalent) in a minimum of at least one credit bearing course per semester. Should a student’s enrollment be interrupted, they will be held to the guidelines and requirements of the catalog of record at the time of program re-entry.
This guideline does not apply to students with documented leave of absence justification or members of the military involved in deployment operations. Changes to prerequisites and/or curriculum which occur for purposes beyond graduation – e.g. regulatory and legislative updates, third party accreditation or other certification bodies requirements, increased skill demand from industry, employment or transfer requirement changes, or recommended and/or mandated changes from the Kansas Board of Regents or other such entities are not subject to these catalog requirements.
Prior coursework may be evaluated to determine currency of content before including the credit hours toward a certificate or degree. Developmental courses cannot be used to fulfill degree requirements.
A minimum distribution of credits and general education course requirements shall be:
Distribution Requirement: 15 credit hours total
Sector A: Written and Oral Communications
ENGL 1204 English Composition I or
ENGL 1205 Technical and Report Writing or
ENGL 1209 English Composition I w/ Review
COMM 1200 Interpersonal Communications or
COMM 1230 Public Speaking
Sector B: Mathematical Reasoning
Sector C: Technological Skills
Sector D: Global Issues and Diversity
Distribution Requirements: minimum of 18 and maximum of 24 credit hours total with a minimum of six classes and at least one course in each sector
Sector A: Arts and Humanities
Sector B: Social Sciences
Sector C: Mathematics and Pure Science*
Sector D: Personal Well Being**
* Non-laboratory science can satisfy
** Restricted to two credits in PHED or HLTH
You can search for courses approved to fulfill general education requirements for the Associate of General Studies degree at Barton Community College.
The Associate in Applied Science Degree prepares you for entry into a career. The coursework is relevant to the real world, promoting employability traits that range from job-related technical skills to workplace ethics and soft skills. The program of study consists primarily of career technical education classes, but may also include transfer classes.
The Associate in Applied Science Degree will be awarded upon the attainment of predetermined and specified performance requirements and satisfactory completion of a planned program of a minimum 64 college credit hours with a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or overall “C.” To be eligible for graduation, the student must have completed at least fifteen (15) credit hours from Barton Community College. Students who remain continuously enrolled from time of entry to application for graduation will be held to the catalog requirements in effect when they declare their program of study, unless a later catalog is adopted. “Continuous enrollment” refers to annual Fall and Spring semester enrollment (or equivalent) in a minimum of at least one credit bearing course per semester. Should a student’s enrollment be interrupted, they will be held to the guidelines and requirements of the catalog of record at the time of program re-entry.
This guideline does not apply to students with documented leave of absence justification or members of the military involved in deployment operations. Changes to prerequisites and/or curriculum which occur for purposes beyond graduation – e.g. regulatory and legislative updates, third party accreditation or other certification bodies requirements, increased skill demand from industry, employment or transfer requirement changes, or recommended and/or mandated changes from the Kansas Board of Regents or other such entities are not subject to these catalog requirements.
Prior coursework may be evaluated to determine currency of content before including the credit hours toward a certificate or degree. Developmental courses cannot be used to fulfill degree requirements.
A minimum distribution of credits and general education course requirements shall be: Minimum of 15 credit hours must be taken in General Education (Zones 1 and 2) in a minimum of three sectors, unless specific general education courses are required by the student's program of study.
Sector A: Written and Oral Communication
Sector B: Mathematical Reasoning
Sector C: Technological Skills
Sector D: Global Issues and Diversity
Sector A: Arts and Humanities
Sector B: Social Sciences
Sector C: Mathematics and Pure Science
Sector D: Personal Well-Being
In addition to the general education requirements, you must complete the remaining course hour requirements as designated in your particular area of study.