Online Books
Books for online courses are not usually stocked by the Barton Campus Bookstore. Students registered for a Barton Online course may purchase books by going to bartonline.ecampus.com
Financial Aid Charges
- Pick up your Book Voucher form from the Business Office. Bring your copy to the Bookstore each time you come in to make purchases or returns. (Does not apply to Barton Online courses.)
- Only books and class related supplies can be charged to your financial aid.
- Book Vouchers will expire approximately two weeks following the first day of classes. Please be sure and pick up all books and supplies within this time period.
Return Policy
- You must bring your cash register receipt, credit card receipt or copy of your Book Voucher as proof of purchase.
- A full refund will be given for 14 days from the first day classes begin for students enrolled in full term courses.
- New books must be returned in the same condition they were sold. If written in, highlighted or plastic wrap removed, no refund will be given.
Book Buy Back
If you wish to sell your books at the end of the semester, bring your books to the Bookstore when your classes are finished. A book buyer will be on campus during finals week, following the Fall and Spring semesters. Specific dates and times will be announced.
- Any book that will be used for the next semester's classes (except consumable texts) will be bought back at 50% of the new price. (Price is the same, whether your book was new or used when you purchased it.)
- A book buyer will be on campus two days during finals week following the Fall and Spring semesters.
- Cash will be paid for all books purchased or credited to the student's account if monies are still owed.
Check Cashing Policy
- There is a $50 limit. No exceptions.
- You must present a valid drivers license or valid student ID with picture.